posted by Tao's Mommy at 8/20/2007 09:31:00 AM
aaah your heart must just do flips when she calls you mommy:) I hope this message comes through I have been having problems posting!! something up with Shaw I think. Sounds like you have been busy busy with all the sight seeing. I cant believe that you have been there for a week already.Have fun at the Jade factory.
Glad to hear that Channing is healthy and ready to come home!! The acrobats show sounds awesome.....
Hooray Channing! You guys are doing great!
wow medicals then its almost time to be homewardbound it went so fast and im so glad that your time with Channing is getting better with every passing moment She is so precious its a Miracle how ones heart keep growing and growing with Love...we cant wait for you all to get home Quinn keeps asking for Channing too cute. Hugs n Kisses
So happy to hear that Channing is feeling more comfortable. It's only going to get better! I can't believe how much stuff they pack into one day in just sounds exhausting. Love the photos and so glad you got a 'brown eye girl tee!' It's perfect for Channing!
Attachment is a long process with lots of bonding moments strung together. Glad to know Channing is coming around to you more and more. It is amazing how a child so small can cause so much pain in an adult who loves her so much. Glenys didn't want to have anything at all to do with me and my mother but loved my father while in China. I understand where you are. She is beautiful. You guys have time to learn and attach to each other.Beverly
Channing looks like she is almost asleep in that last picture! Poor thing, mama keeps her out so late! LOL
What a cutie pie! Glad she's healthy and things are moving along in the right direction.
Hey Kim,So happy to hear that each day Channing is coming around more and more. Soon this time will be a distant memory. She is so beautiful....Love all the pix.
She is such a fiesty strong little soul, I love seeing her.
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