posted by Tao's Mommy at 11/24/2006 01:57:00 PM
I've had my blogger troubles, too. Mine did the same thing when I was updating my quilt ticker - haven't had to call in the experts yet - but who knows . . .
My quilt blog does the same thing. In blogger help it says that the sidebar will drop to the bottom if something in it or the main column is too wide. I can't figure out though what could be too wide in the quilt entries (since I just entered the pictures/info in the normal way) and I haven't really touched the sidebar on that blog.
My blog is acting funny as well. At home, it looks really pretty (I use a Mac at home) and at school it looks whacky! I wish it could be consistent.Good luck trying to figure it all out...I may need to bend your ear for some tips when you've got yours fixed. :)
It was the blinky thing and a few code errors in the template. I had to sacrifice the one blinkie in the sidebar and do a little re-coding. Should have you back to normal. Looks good on my end ;0)
Blog is looking good from my side:) I cant wait to see the next quilt update.
On my computer, the first part of all your links are missing for me.Not sure what's up with that!!Hope it's all good for you now!
17 months sure does seem long, BUT, imagine what excitment the next 17 months has!!!!!!!!
Kim, I want to know how the quilt sewing went! Did you guys get very far, and how long did you work on it? I am doing mine alone so trying to get an idea of time!
Isn't that wild that we've been waiting so much longer than our LID's?!?!? Congrats on getting this far!...and the blog looks good from my computer!
Wow- 17 months- that's a long time. I really hope you get your referral sooooon!
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