posted by Tao's Mommy at 6/23/2007 12:44:00 AM
Hey Kimmy! Congrats on your new imac! I felt the same way when I first converted - my work forced me to! I complained for a while, but now there is no WAY I'll ever go back!!! I love everything about it! You shouldn't have a problem transferring your files. Word, powerpoint and excel work the same. I have a Toshiba laptop and transfer files back and forth all of the time. My next laptop will definitely be an imac - when I can afford one! For now, I just use the school's imac. I'm not a computer person, so can't offer much advice. I pretty much learned everything as I went along - it was pretty easy. Good luck and have fun!!! Cuz Krista :)
Hi Kim!!My man is still badly wanting an ibook...the BLACK one though...lolHe is a HUGE mac fan. When I met him he only had a mac and i had no computer so that is what I learned on...then we went to a I don't know if I'll be able to remember how to go back to the mac!!! lolWe have a really really good friend here in town who is all about the MAC and he may be able to answer some of your questions for you!!I'll pass your blog address onto him!! Maybe he will answer in your box for you!!Good luck!!Dawn
Kim,If I could help, I totally would, but I have no clue. I'm so sorry! I really hope you can get it figured out!!!!
I don't have a clue about MAC. The only person I know who uses MAC is Connie. Try e-mailing her.Good Luck.
Gosh, I don't have a clue. I hear that once you go Mac, you never go back...Connie and Shannon (Pickle Chatter) both use a Mac, that's all I got. Goodluck!
Hi there,Yes you can transfer all of your files from your pc to a mac. Pictures, Vids, documents no problem.You will love iphoto, it is amazing. Just use iphoto and import your pics.As far as transfering files, you need to save them to CD or an external hard drive. I recommend a USB hard drive for faster transfer.You can view all word documents in Pages (the word processor that came with your mac, look in you applications folder). You can even write new documents in Pages and save them as Word documents or PDF's for easy sharing. You can buy Microsoft Office for Mac. The student version is about $149.00. I have found this to be helpful to have. You can get MSN for mac. Just do a google search "MSN for mac" and follow the links. You should check out ichat on your mac. It make MSN look like childs play. You don't need virus software because mac's don't get virus's (extremely rare).Did you know that you can run windows on your mac at same time OS 10? check out (window actually is more stable on mac, hilarious)This is great tool if there are certain aps you really like that are windows based. Check out the FAQ's, they are a great resource. It takes a bit retraining when you switch to a mac but I recommend you stay with it. They are a far more stable and sophisticated platform.By the way I am the friend Dawn Buhler was referring to. Keith
Good for you on your laptop purchase. I'll be curious to see how it does while you're traveling. I have an emac and LOVE it. You'll discover that iphoto, imovie etc. are great to use and you'll probably find that Appleworks is comparable to Windows. You've got 48 days or so to play with it! Have fun.Paula
Kim-I'm a radical Mac convert. I have a 17" PowerBook laptop and I just bought a new iMac (the big screen- oh yes, it's a beauty!) for my lab at work a few weeks ago.Being a PC user previously, it took me about 2-3 weeks to become familiar in the Mac environment when I first got my laptop. But, now, I swing in and out of Macs and PCs easily. Having said that, I think we'll be taking our HP laptop to China- just because its smaller.Since Keith answered most of your questions, I think, I won't duplicate. But give your Mac a chance- you'll LOVE it- and feel free to e-mail me if you have any other specific questions.
Hi Kim!I sent you an e-mail re: this post. I hope that you still have the iMac I do believe that you'll get used to and enjoy it. I'm as good as Carolyn swinging between Macs and PCs easily. You can e-mail me at if you have any questions about Mac (but I won't guarantee that I can answer all of your questions!). I'll try to answer as best I can.ST
If you need help with your Mac . . .If you still have your iMac, I can try to help you! E-mail me at (please do not share this e-mail address--I get enough junk mail as it is!). ST
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