posted by Tao's Mommy at 2/06/2007 03:08:00 PM
Woo Hoo! Finally!Consider this your "official" congrats! ;)
Thank goodness! I've been going crazy here in Toronto wondering about you and Channing. Can't wait to hear more and see her picture!Congratulations!!Cari
Congratulations!!!!Can't wait to hear all about her and see her beautiful face.'s finally out news! Hooray - Hooray for you and Channing. I can't wait to hera more :0)Congrats mommy!
nice cograts lets go shoping lol cory
Look at me I'm a slacker. i so have been leaving comments, but blogger's been eating them. I'm so excited for you!!! Congrats!!! I can't wait to hear all about Channing.
OMG!!! I just freaking had that dream and posted it and you didn't say a word! I don't even know you, how did I dream this???? I am freaked out! Congrats on your referral! I can't wait to hear more about her!
I think I have been on pins and needles *almost* as much as you - waiting for you to post this much! I have been checking your blog all day, hoping to see something! Congratulations!!! Can't wait to see the details - and Channing's face of course!
Oooooooooohhhh!! I was so hoping you were just waiting for everything to be official before you told us!!! Congratulations to you and Channing! S'wonderful! Looking forward to hearing all about her!
OMG... Congratulations!!!!Cannot wait for all the details and her beautiful face!!
That is WONDERFUL!!!! I am so happy for you.Can not wait to hear all the details.Keep smilin!
What terrific news! I am sooooo happy for you. Can't wait to hear (read) the details. You have a daughter!
WONDERFUL!!!No news this way yet- hoping for some soon...
Congrats Kimmy!!! I can't wait to hear all about my new cousin Channing! Good luck with the process and enjoy every bit of it. I am soooo proud of you and can't wait to hear that you and your new daughter are finally together!Luv, Cuz Krista :)
OMG, this is so exciting. A HUGE congratulations to you. I cannot wait to hear all the details and see her picture!
WOW - CONGRATULATIONS!!! What exciting I will be stalking your blog to see/read the details!!
AAHHHHH AHHHHHA HHHHHHHHHAAAAAAHHHHHH AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HOORAY HOORAY HOORAY! I am so excited for you! I can't wait, can't wait , can NOT WAIT to hear about Channing!!!!!! You're a MOM! A MOM! How much more exciting can this be!???? I just KNEW that you knew something! I knew it! I will be checking constantly to find out! I mean it, you'd better tell us right away! HOORAY!!!!!
That is toooo cool!!!!CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!I kinda figured something was up but these days, I don't let anything get my hopes up anymore!!!What wonderful news!!!Can't wait to hear more!!!Love Dawn
KimA huge congratulations all way from Australia! Can't wait to see your sweet angels face.Tamara your daughter older than your SP would have suspected OR is she a BOY instead?!>! Trying to read between the lines here...:) Congrats!
YAHHHOOOO Kim,I can only imagine how excited you must be !!!!I cannot wait to hear more about Channing and cannot wait to follow your journey to China !!!Big hugs !Lisa
Click on the link with her name and it will take you to can pick the boy alpabet from there or the girl alphabet. I actually saved the letters and I plan to laminate them and use them for matching games, concentration, etc. They are way cute.
I'm waiting....SP
Congratulations KimCan't wait to see the pics. We thought maybe the stork was delayed again. Great news. Love to you and little Channing.Liam and Sherry-Lou
WAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!I can't wait to see if my predictions were right, i did say girl so that part was right.I am so excited for you. I was wondering if there was some news you were keeping to yourself as you were pretty quiet on your blog lately, but that is understandable considering what you have told us. I am so excited to hear good news again for soemone I know the more people I know going to China the closer I must be getting, right? I cannot wait to see her sweet face and have all the "juicy" details. You must be on cloud nine. Yipeeeeeee!!!!!!!I am so excited for you...keep us posted.Love from PEI,Jennifer
Yeahhh!!!!! I am so glad to hear your news. I too found your blog very quiet...glad to hear that you were able to get your homestudy changed and that your daughter's pictures will be on their way!Louise
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CONGRATULATIONS Kim!!!!!!! Wahooooo!!!! So excited for you! What a great way to start the day...learning that my SK friend is a mommy!!Looking forward to seeing your precious daughter's sweet face and hearing all about her!Congrats friend!
Congrats! You must be busting at the seams!!! Sounds like a bit of confusion going on. Hope it all smooths out and we can all have a glimps at her! Your doing good to keep it a secret! Cute pic..sumo in training?
Hi Kim, Thanks for leaving a message on our blog. In answer to your question, we are using FOI for our agency. P&J
Congratulations! Can't wait to hear all of the details and see the photo on the Canadian Waiting Children site.Karen
Hoping to see a cute little face on your blog tomorrow!! I know all about he sticky provincial stuff!! Congrats!Nat
Wow - what exciting news. I can't wait until you post more. I'm so happy for you and Channing. This is so wonderful. Have a super great day :-)
OOOOOHHHH I AM SOOOOOO EXCITED FOR YOU!!!!!!I am assuming Channing is older than anticipated? Guessing here as I am so happy for you. Congratulations Mom!!!
CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!SOOOOOO Happy for ya. Great news!Can't wait to see pics!!! "_
Outstanding news! I don't know how you managed to hold in your news for so long. Congratulations to Channing's mommy!Krista
Congratulations Kim!!!Love and big hugs"Auntie Shari" :)
Yippeeee Kim I am so excited and can't wait to see little Channing and hear all about must be over the moon with excitement!Hugs to you....Janice and family
oh my goodness oh my goodness I just saw your post I am SO EXCITED/HAPPY oh this is just the greatest:)
Kim,I'm delighted! Congratulations!!I have the translation at the office, but I'm working long days lately, so you might have to stop by and pick it up.XOCarol
Just checking back...I can't wait to see her!!! It is hard to believe how fast your time seemed to go! Post that picture as soon as you get it, you have a lot of anxious people waiting!Thanks for all your sweet words on my blog, it is nice to have people checking in on me :)Take care,Jennifer
Hi Kim, I thought that I posted a comment, and it looks like it didn't come through proper. Can't wait to see see a pic of Channing. Question, if it is a boy, are you still going to call him Channing?Thanks for posting on my blog. In answer to your question, would it be o.k to hold off posting it on your blogroll until we are a little further ahead in the adoption? We arn't out of the review room yet and I don't want to jynx it. I hope this is ok.Enjoy your day, I am so excited for you!!Take care, Patti (and Joël)
STILL waiting......SP
Congratulations, that is truly wonderful! I hope that she is home soon.
OMGOSH I can`t wait to hear all about her. BTW that bum shot is the funniest thing ever. My 8 year old son just about wet himself laughing !
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