posted by Tao's Mommy at 9/21/2006 09:49:00 AM
Such an important article. Really good to share with your family and friends.Keep smilin!
What a great article. My husband and I have both tried to prepare our families for the fact that our child will probably be delayed not just emotionally but physically as well. We've tried to explain this to them, but I'm not sure they will understand. We've told them, that our child will probably catch up rather quickly, but explained "orphanage" life. Since we are pretty much the last ones in our families to have a child, I fear that they will compare....well so and so was walking at 9 months..etc..I fear seeing disappointment in their faces. But we will deal with this. I wish families would educate themselves just as much as adoptive parents. thanks again for this posting.
That is a great article, I found it quite some time ago on some elses blog and I printed it for my family. Great Post.
I found this to be a very interesting article. Stuff to remember...Felicity
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