posted by Tao's Mommy at 9/19/2006 08:36:00 PM
I already love your header so I can't wait to see what you come up with.....Janet T.Did you have a good time in Edmonton? The "City of Champions?" (hee hee)
The header is from the fabric for your wishes, right? It's beautiful! I'm sure thatyou and Connie will figure out how to get it just right. I love the red background!
Hey, I'm awake now! If you got those pics I sent in terms of resolution that's optimal. Now...just work on what subject you want!Got a couple of gals in labor today but I'll try to get some changes done tonight...pending you let me know what changes they are ;0)I'll getcha blog-happy.
I love the header and using your wish fabric. The place looks great!Keep smilin!
The header looks great. Is Connie up for hire!!
Wow!! I know how bad you feel Kim!! I felt so guilty with Donna doing mine too! It made me feel like I was taking up all her time!!! I've seen a ton of blogs that Connie has done and I know she does amazing things!! I'm sure you're going to love it when it's all done!!I'll put a hard hat on too and keep on dropping in!!!
Kim,I, too, love the header. The resolution is just fine; you can tell it is fabric, which is very cool.I hate the red. Sorry, but I do. It is extremely hard to look at, and it takes discipline to look at the page. The black text on the red is very hard to read. The ivory lettering is better on such a dark background. I understand the desire to change, but frankly I thought the appearance of the old site was much better. Your love for ladybugs may be behind this...but it is not better.I was doubly surprised by the red background after I had read your questionnaire; on the red/pink question, you said pink. Hmmm....Here's hopin' I haven't offended Connie with the blunt and opinionated response which Kim expects from me! Keep in mind, I've never designed a web page...I only have experience reading and critiquing them.Kim...thanks for the continually great content. I loved the reality check article by Amy Eldridge. I know this isn't the spot to say so...but while I'm not being an anonymous reader here, I'll tell you. It inspires me to spend some time volunteering in an orphanage in future travels. Maybe you can get some info on how I might do that.Love you!
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